Trailer of Heroine released casting Kareena Kapoor. We all were waiting for the film Heroine. This movie had many twist, first Aishwarya Rai signed than she got pregnant after that Madhur signed Kareena Kapoor. There were also many rumors like kissing scene of Heroine, Bed scene of Heroine by Kareena Kapoor.
But today (25th July), trailer of heroine released and must say that Kareena Kapoor is playing life time role in this movie. Hot scenes, rough wordings and you will find everything.
If you want to see the trailer than here it is -
But today (25th July), trailer of heroine released and must say that Kareena Kapoor is playing life time role in this movie. Hot scenes, rough wordings and you will find everything.
If you want to see the trailer than here it is -